Tag Archives: sick

The Sick

I think I have The Sick. I can’t really complain though. I traveled all over the continent on trains and plans for four weeks and didn’t get sick so I count myself sort of lucky.  I can’t complain that I’m home in my cozy bed with Paul making me tea and soup, ya know?

I started feeling uggie last night after we brought a pizza home from Eddie’s (The best pizza in Portland! and conveniently located right by my house) They I got a head ache and a fever and went to be right after watching the Doctor Who-Waters of Mars which was totally depressing… except for the jokes about The Doctor having wikipeida in his brain. I drank a bunch of tea and went to sleep. Jackie came with me and stayed with me all night.

This morning I felt more or less ok so I drank more tea and got more work done (lots of impending button orders!) I talked with my rad friend Zach online who told me about his new blog. He’s the one with the wizard photography blog over there —————–> well, he has a new blog that is No More Sick Friends. It is pretty rad stuff about healthy things. I started feeling crappy this afternoon and sent Paul to the store to get me tea and juice and fixins for the Fuck this Sickness Soup.  Then I took a nap with Jackie who hasn’t really left my side when I have been in bed.

Tonight we are meeting with a potential new housemate and we are meeting with some more tomorrow. My big plan was to make them play Apples To Apples with us but not sure what my fever brain can handle. Either way we’ll have a new addition to our house by this weekend. Which will be way rad. Ok, more napping with Jackie and some soup to eat.

I just heard from the printer than the first 1,000 copies of Stolen Sharpie revolution ship out on Monday! That’s good because I have pre-orders for 0ver 300 and that’s not even getting to few hundred I have to send our as promo copies. Want to you your self a copy? Read all about it here.

The other day I had a “take your partner to work day” I showed Paul all the ins and out of my various online shops and paypal, the strange organization of my office and packing area. he’s going to be running things while I’m out of the country. I’m taking down the craft roasted coffees, small custom button orders, and my zines so he will basicaly deal with larger button orders, premade catalog buttons and all the Stolen Sharpie Revolution orders.

I have been working on more promo SSR stuff and have a bit more to do before I send them out.

Right now I think I have allergies. I haven’t really had allergies since I was little. My head feels fuzzy and weird and I can’t think straight but my nose is not stuffy. I don’t think I like having allergies. it makes me feel non-productive. At least I didn’t catch the flu from hanging out with my sister the other day.

Portland Zine Symposium 2009 table registration is open!

Yup, table registration is open for the 9th annual Portland Zine Symposium. Tables are open for 3 days and each day is registered separately. There are also only 30 full tables open this year. Go here for mroe info.

As for me, I’m sick and have been in bed all day with a fuzzy head full of pressure and a sore throat. Now is not the time for me to get sick. I have too much to do!

sick soup, Rick Emerson: A history and some pictures

Paul and I haven’t been feeling too hot. Today he made us a giant vat of soup. I love that he makes me soup from scratch when I’m sick-ish. He chopped up some asparagus and put it in the soup which I never would have thought of. Actually, I might have if I had looked at the soup and thought: This needs something green! I complimented him on making food that looks pretty too see:

Pretty soup!

Pretty soup

I have been listening to Rick Emerson since I was 17. My dad used to listen to him on the drive home when we lived in Salt Lake. He was this wacky aggro hilarious AM DJ that just didn’t belong in Utah… and that’s probably why my dad listened to him and why my little sister and I listened to him too. Paul and I bonded over Rick and the other amusing AM host in SLC Todd when we first met. Why do Paul and I love AM SO much? Who knows but I explained our Art Bell romance here. ears later when I moved to Portland I swear I caught his voice on AM but with a different name but the voice vanished and I didn’t hear it again until a few years later.

In 2001 I found that voice that was a font of useless entertainment… I don’t think my now ex-husband enjoyed it as much as I did, how could he? He didn’t grow up in the cultural wasteland of Utah and couldn’t understand how a voice that was as different as I was in Salt Lake could mean. He also didn’t like Art Bell and frequently referred to George Noory as Geroge “Snorey”.

For years in Portland I have followed Rick and crew across the AM dial. Sometimes half listening as I work at home or in the yard while I work in the garden. When I was on a trip up the east coast I found myself bored of my music collection and started stealing the internets from places so that I could download the podcasts, burn then the rewritable discs and listen to them in my rental car. The trip up the coast led me from Richmond to Portland, Maine going to a zine fests, being and interview subjects for some academics and visiting friends. When I got to Portland, Maine I called the Rick Emerson show. After my isolation of a few days and nothing but discs of the Rick Emerson Show to listen to it seemed like a good idea at the time. The phone call was awkward and confusing, I think most of them are, but I’m glad I did it. From Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon.

Well, now the Rick Emerson show is changing to FM. I have mixed feelings about that… but also about the new time slot 5am-9am. ugh. I mean, it’s great for them, probably a step up but it looks like I’ll be back to listening on podcasts again for at least the first few hours.  I can manage to get up at 7 and work from bed with my laptop. Rick’s not everyone’s bag of tea.. er what ever. Years of hanging out with Punks and anarchist have made me feel a bit of trepidation to share my love for a show on commercial radio. But hey, I’ve always been a geek. I have played D&D since high school and I have a ridiculous dice collection,  I sell buttons about gaming and I love Doctor Who, Buff the Vampire Slayer and Battlestar Gallactica. Also, I love zines. I’m not sure if that makes me geeky but the adoration I have for my post box probably does.

Anyway, I have laundry to do before I leave for Seattle and some orders to pack. I’ll leave you with this. This is what Paul and I do after we finish the crossword. We draw all over the can-you-spot-the-difference guy. It amuses us.



Also, here’s my sock in a picture Paul too of me while working on my Etsy shop:

work work work

aren't the floors we refinished pretty?