Tag Archives: cat

30 Day Photo Meme- Day 23

Day 23- Your desk or work area

My work area this morning has been my bed with jackie next to me. Our new memory foam bed is way too hard to get out of in the morning.

Day 24- Something important to you
Day 25- Graffiti you have seen
Day 26- Something you do everyday
Day 27- Your favorite place
Day 28- A favorite piece of clothing
Day 29- Something you like
Day 30- A photo of you today


30 Day Photo Meme – Day 14

Day 14- Something that makes you happy

This makes me happy: Paul and Jackie napping and Jackie being a bed hog. Not sure if this is a contender for Cute Boys with cats because you can't really see Paul's cute face.

Day 15- An old photo of you
Day 16- The view out your front door
Day 17- What’s in your bag/purse/pockets
Day 18- Where you work/go to school
Day 19- Something you love
Day 20- Your mailbox
Day 21- A photo you are proud of
Day 22- Something you cooked
Day 23- Your desk or work area
Day 24- Something important to you
Day 25- Graffiti you have seen
Day 26- Something you do everyday
Day 27- Your favorite place
Day 28- A favorite piece of clothing
Day 29- Something you like
Day 30- A photo of you today

Just foxgloves…and a cat.

I love foxgloves! They make me really happy. A few years ago I planted some pink foxglove seeds and since then they have reseeded and filled my yard with a wide variety of colors. here are some current foxgloves! It might just be an all garden shots for awhile.

Foxgloves in the Hummingbird Garden. There's also a bit of a dephinium there too.

I saw some blue sky a week or so ago! This is one of the neat foxglves that changes from pink at the bottom to yellow at the top.

closer look at the color change.

speckled pink!

Ok, not all plants. OJ has taken to sleeping outside when it’s not to cold or rainy. I went out to put the mail in the post box and I found him curled up in the irises!

What? I heard it was a flower BED!

a yawning jungle cat!

Stolen Sharpie Revolution so close I can taste it!

I feel old. I sat on the floor for 12 hours scanning and touching up pages for Stolen Sharpie Revolution yesterday. My body hurts. But, I should have  the book to the printer in a few days and then I can start taking preorders! I’m going to be so happy to have this done and over with… at least this part of it.

Here’s an image of me sitting on the floor with Marc’s cat Jackie supervising on the ottoman behind me.

silly cat

silly cat

Ok, back to work.