Tag Archives: fanzines

There are mere days left for you to support the Stolen Sharpie Revolution Kickstarter!


Happy Autumnal Equinox!


This is just a quick note to remind you of the Stolen Sharpie Revolution: a DIY Resource for Zines and Zine Culture (5th edition) Kickstarter that is going on now!


Since 2002 Stolen Sharpie Revolution has been the go-to resource for zines and zine culture. With over 21,000 copies in print, this book is poised to break the quarter-hundred-thousand copy barrier at least BUT I NEED YOUR HELP!


Depending on when you are reading this there is either 9 or 8 days left to go and we are still short over $2,000 out of the $6,000 we need. So, if you were considering backing this project, THE TIME IS NOW! You can get yourself some fun rewards including an actual Sharpie Marker with “Stolen Sharpie Revolution” printed on it, a Stolen Sharpie Revolution T-shirt, all 5 editions of Stolen Sharpie Revolution, or get a pack of 10 for your store, distro, class or gift for friends, or have me do the layout for your zine! Maybe you already backed the kickstarter and are getting a copy of the book. Why not raise your donation level by $25 and donate a copy of Stolen Sharpie Revolution in your name to one of the many Little Free Libraries in Portland.


If you haven’t had a chance to check out the updates I suggest you do so. You can see some of progress and some photos of page layout, some early milestones and backers of the projects will see exactly how many gluesticks and rolls of double sided tape the layout took!


If you were thinking that you would just buy a copy of SSR later you might want to reconsider that as these will not be available to buy until AFTER the kickstarter rewards have been sent out. We are estimating that copies will not be available until late November. So, if you want to get a copy of the new edition of Stolen Sharpie Revolution you MUST act now and support the Kickstarter!


One more big announcement: The iconic covers of Stolen Sharpie Revolution will be receiving a bit of an update! My buddy Steve Larder, illustrator and author of Rum Lad zine has agreed to drawn me a new spiffy looking Sharpie marker for the cover! I’m so excited because I just I love Steve’s artwork. You should check it out as well.


Ok, that’s about it for now. Thanks for sticking with me and let’s get the Stolen Sharpie Revolution kickstarter to it’s close!


in zines we trust,

Alex Wrekk

Nobody Cares About You Stupid Zine Podcast #3 is available for download!

The new issue of Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine Podcast is ready here or through itunesor other podcatchers.

In this Episode of Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine Podcast, Derek Neuland and Alex Wrekk discuss the book Fanzines by Teal Triggs and several issues surrounding it including copyright and etiquette as they interview Ramsey Beyer (illustrator and List zine) Amber Forrester (http://www.hello-amber.com/) and Jerianne Thompson (librarian and editor of Zine World)


Fanzines again? Podcast teasers!

I made my feelings known about Teal Trigg’s book Fanzines in this blog post . Now Jerianne, editor of Zine World (it’s a zine, not an e-zine!) has written a really great article outlining a lot of issues surrounding the book. You should check it out here.

Also, I’ll let the cat out of the bag…Derek and I are working on a Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine Podcast issue about it full of interviews and discussion, more on that later. We also created a Facebook page for Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine Podcast!

I’m off to go have lunch with my sister!

Fazines by Teal Triggs and why you should not buy the book

At the end of August while I was hip deep in Portland Zine Symposium planning and working on booking and promoting the Zines On Toast tour I received this message on Facebook:

Dear Alex

I am currently completing a book called FANZINES (Thames & Hudson) and have included the cover of Stolen Sharpie Revolution / A DIY Zine Resource (c. 2003) and inside spread of ‘Making Paper’, as well as a screen grab of your blog home page: all fully credited in the book.

My book looks at the history of fanzines in a general overview of UK and USA-based self-publishing. As a good example of successful zine about zines it would be remiss not to include it in any history of fanzines. The book is due out in September and I hope this will establish the importance of this form of self-publishing.

I do hope this is okay.

Yours sincerely,

Prof Teal Triggs
University of the Arts London


My first thought was “I don’t have time to deal with this! I have to figure out how 15 people are going to stay in my house and what the hell I’m going to talk about when Ciara and I lead a workshop on zine etiquette. Also, what kind of idiot am I for starting a band and agreeing to play a show in three weeks?” My second thought was “That’s bad etiquette to ask for permission AFTER the book had gone to print. I wonder if she really used the 2003 version of the paper making from SSR because Sugene from All This Is Mine did the illustrations for some editions and I wonder how she would feel about that.”

Then I saw this post on We Make Zines. It seems that I wasn’t the only one that had their zines included without being asked and flood of at least a dozen people have come forward. It seems strange that a zine that is meant to celebrate the zine community would forget that one crucial part of manners: consent. I don’t exactly know how it was that so  many people were asked after the fact. Maybe it was merely an oversight? Maybe she thought people might say “no” and ruin her big project? Whatever the reason, I find this unacceptable. It seems that a major publisher would need permission before printing, right?  How did this happen when so many people are pretty easy to find with a simple internet search? A simple internet search could have fixed some of the problems that went to print like work being attributed to the wrong name after Amber had gone through great lengths to change it years before.

The weekend of the 2010 Portland Zine Symposium we sure had something to talk about at our zine ethics workshop! Not only that but we had lots of discussions over zine filled tables, over pints … and I believe also a bottle of whiskey as a few of us sat on the floor of my office late into the night talking about zine ethics and this who Fanzines book debacle.

The funny thing is, a lot of the other zine creators and I, are  not as upset about the copyright issues as we are about the lack of thoughtfulness and poor judgment. Had I been asked to include my work, I probably would have said yes and expected a contributor copy and a discount on future purchases. But I just feel that a for a book that is supposed to celebrate zine culture, a little more attention and respect should have been paid to that culture and what is expected of participants in it.  I have had my work stolen and used without my permission pretty often and mostly it is for things that are not for profit, this book retails for $40. I guess I would have expected a lot higher standards for an academic to have done the research and for a publisher at least to have demanded those standards. I’m so over people saying it is flattering and I should be happy when my creations are used without my permission. Just because someone has a piece of exposure power pie and chooses to share it with you does not make it alright and excuse their abuse of that power.

I know that some people might be saying “but, zines up appropriated images all the time so what’s the big deal with this?” I know that my DIY punk background has skewed some of my ethics into a “us vs them” mentality that is often divided into the “haves” and “have nots” but zines are a hobby that I frequently loose money on, this a fully backed book with a traditional publisher and an academic that should have known better. This book is selling for $40. When I make zines I make them for peers, this book is meant to celebrate zines and be sold to others that celebrate zines yet lacks the decency to respect its subject matter.

So, now the book is in print and all sorts of sadly hilarious things are coming out. There are many other errors and straight up lies printed in its pages.  Tobi Vail wrote what I might find as the most disturbing part of all this, that by being in print this book with all it’s inaccuracies is now sealed in historical stone as truth about fanzines and zine culture.

Last night I saw a link to this web page: Fanzinesbytealtriggs.weebly.com that documents other experiences with it and what can be done. I believe there is a list being created of all the zines that were included without permission. Whatever you do, don’t buy the book and don’t assume that anyone who is included in the pages consented to being there. I just requested my contributor copy, I was no offered one, i had to request it from the publisher. I’m sort of looking forward to going through it and marking it up!

Oh, in an amusing twist, I read on that page that Urban Outfitters is going to distributing the books. That seems like a perfect fit as Urban Outfitters is notorious for stealing designs from DIY artist with no compensation.

Edited to add: If I was Teal Triggs and I had genuinely made a mistake I would make a public apology and then I would have done my best to track down all the contributors and issue them a personal apology. Then I would get them contributor copies even if the money had to come out of my own pocket. I feel like Teal Triggs silence on all fronts, including direct requests from people like Jerianne fro Zine World, speaks volumes.

Photos from my trip…

Click here if you would like to see photos from my trip… or look at these samples:

A windy day one brighton Beach.

A windy day one brighton Beach.

pint at a pub in Brighton

pint at a pub in Brighton

I 3  CCTV in Leeds

I ❤ CCTV in Leeds

ad in the Paris Subway on the way the other train station

ad in the Paris Subway on the way the other train station

So, there was some mix up with our train and we got a voucher for food from a seafood restaurant... well, we were vegans so we ate chips and a gree salad. Isy and I had wine.

So, there was some mix up with our train and we got a voucher for food from a seafood restaurant... well, we were vegans so we ate chips and a gree salad. Isy and I had wine.

the first night in Poitiers they took us to an Irish pub and then we walked up a huge staircase to this statue.

the first night in Poitiers they took us to an Irish pub and then we walked up a huge staircase to this statue.

WE named the statue “baby chucker” because it looks like she is about to toss baby jesus off the cliff! After that this guy took us wandering through out a neighborhood to this weird Dolman Megalith and told up some story about giants fighting and breaking the table or some such. Edd was our interpreter and was a bit confused. I was jsut drunk and amused to be wandering around some French town late at night.

The place we were staying was at the top of a hill. We had to go down the hill, across the rive and up the hill to get to town. We walked this 2-3 times a day.

The place we were staying was at the top of a hill. We had to go down the hill, across the rive and up the hill to get to town. We walked this 2-3 times a day.

one time this cat was meowing at us...

one time this cat was meowing at us...

I have no idea what is going on here but I liked the image.

I have no idea what is going on here but I liked the image.

vegan food may have been a challenge but there was plenty of wine to drink.

vegan food may have been a challenge but there was plenty of wine to drink.

The wine was consumed with Isy, my drinking partner in crime and also one of my new favorite people. I miss this lady.

The wine was consumed with Isy, my drinking partner in crime and also one of my new favorite people. I miss this lady.

That last photo and this one were taken by Jenna Freedman. This is me and my computer. woo hoo.

That last photo and this one were taken by Jenna Freedman. This is me and my computer. woo hoo.

La Fanzinotheque

La Fanzinotheque

Poitiers has a bunch of old churches. This one one of the 3 that we stopped at. There were more that we didnt

Poitiers has a bunch of old churches. This one one of the 3 that we stopped at. There were more that we didn't

Giant posters about the event! I had Isy and Edd point to the place on the poster than they were from.

Giant posters about the event! I had Isy and Edd point to the place on the poster than they were from.

Ok, I give up. I still have a lot of things to sort after getting back and this was a nice distraction but I need to work. YOu can look at a lot more images here including some from my yard that I will post here soon enough.

Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine Podcast #1

My housemate and zine librarian extraordinaire, Mark Parker and I put together our first zine podcast! We even got Androo Robinson to write us a silly theme song that is guaranteed to get stuck in your head.

The podcast is about a half hour long and consists of zine news and events and the easiest interview idea ever, we interviewed each other about zines! Check out the blog here and the actual libsyn podcast account here.